Category: TECH

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Reveals New Updates Google Cites fake screenshots for AI Overviews feature [2024]

Reveals New Updates Google Cites fake screenshots

Reveals New Updates Google Cites fake screenshots : In a recent announcement, Google acknowledged the challenges faced by its AI Overviews feature, attributing the shortcomings to ‘data voids’ and ‘fake screenshots.’ The tech giant unveiled new updates aimed at addressing these issues and improving the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated summaries. Reveals New Updates Google […]

Applications of Fiber Optic Cable | Advantages of Fiber Optic Cables [2024]

Applications of Fiber Optic Cable

Applications of Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber optic cables have revolutionized the way we transmit information. Unlike traditional copper cables, which transmit electrical signals, fiber optic cables use light pulses to carry data. This innovative technology offers significant advantages, including much higher bandwidth and lower signal loss over long distances. As a result, fiber optic […]